Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Elliott Pettit’s Tennis Tips – 4/21/10 Forehands, Forehands, Forehands!!!

Hello Tennis Fans:

In order to be proficient in something, you have to practice, right? So in order to be good at a certain stroke in tennis, you must practice it. You must practice it over and over until it is so automatic that you could do it in your sleep. So in order to develop your forehand into a weapon, you must not only practice hitting it on the forehand side, but on the backhand side as well!

The next time you are out playing a practice set, really try to make yourself hit as many forehands as you possibly can. The only balls that should be struck as a backhand are balls that are near the backhand sideline or that are coming to your backhand side with serious pace. By doing this, you are not only training your forehand to be able to attack your opponent from all areas of the court, but you are also training your feet to work harder on every point. Consistently practicing this way over a period of time should yield very positive results in the forehand department as well as benefit you by increasing your mobility!

Please post your thoughts and see you for Thursday's lesson!

Elliott Pettit

Elliott Pettit is iTUSA's Director of Tennis at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale at Gainey Ranch. Please visit our website at and email me at

For anyone interested improving your tennis game please be sure to visit to view our Free Tennis Swing Video Analysis Program.


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